Versapay Team
Collaborative AR

July 2, 2024: Collaborative AR Update

AUTHOR: Versapay Team

We're excited to introduce several new enhancements designed to improve your experience and streamline your workflows. These updates include enhanced visibility into surcharges, prepayment tagging improvements, a new logout option for SSO-enabled clients, and login security enhancements.

1. Enhanced Visibility into Surcharges

We're excited to introduce a feature enhancement that simplifies viewing surcharges on your payments. For suppliers who apply surcharges, previously there was no visibility into the fees directly on the Payments page. You had to click on each payment individually to see the surcharge fees, which was time-consuming and inefficient. 

This update streamlines your workflow and improves efficiency by making these fees immediately visible. 

Now, with the new "Surcharge" column, you can easily view the applied fees. Additionally, the "Amount" column now includes the total payment with surcharges, providing a complete view of all charges in one place. For example, if a payment of $100 has a 2% surcharge, the "Surcharges" column will show $2.00, and the "Amount" column will show $102. 

2. Prepayment Enhancements

For suppliers that require prepayments to be tagged with a division to ensure they settle in the appropriate bank account, this enhancement offers significant improvements.

Previously, when a customer made a prepayment to one of these suppliers, they could only choose from divisions they were invoiced in. This worked well for some suppliers but created issues for others whose customers might not have any invoices, preventing those customers from making prepayments.

With the new enhancement, suppliers can now be configured such that, when division tagging is mandatory for prepayments, customers can select from the full list of divisions, regardless of invoicing. This ensures that all customers, even those without invoices, can make prepayments seamlessly.

3. Logout Experience for SSO-enabled Clients

For clients using Single Sign-On (SSO) to access the Supplier Portal, we've introduced a new "Log Out" option to enhance the user experience.

Previously, the "Log Out" option in the settings menu was suppressed, and users had to close the browser window or tab to end their Collaborative Accounts Receivable (C-AR) session, which was not a true logout.

With this enhancement, single logout behavior can now be configured at the Partner level in C-AR Admin. A logout location can be specified, redirecting supplier and customer users to a specific page after logging out from C-AR. Additionally, a single signout integration with an Identity Provider (IdP) can be configured, allowing the IdP to perform the logout for supplier and customer users.

This update provides a more secure and seamless logout experience, ensuring that sessions are properly terminated and users are redirected appropriately.

4. Login Improvements

For all users, we've made several important updates to enhance the security and ease of the login process.

  • Improved Password Strength: New passwords must now be at least 12 characters in length.

  • Simplified Authorization Codes: Instead of the previously long alphanumeric codes, users will now receive a 6-digit numeric code. This change makes it easier for users, especially those on mobile devices, to authorize and log in when accessing from an unknown device.

  • Streamlined Password Reset Flow: Authorization codes are no longer required in the password reset flow for known devices, streamlining the process and enhancing the user experience.

Questions? Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or email us at [email protected].

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