Versapay Team
Collaborative AR

June 14, 2024: Collaborative AR Update

AUTHOR: Versapay Team

New Publish Option for Draft Invoices

Gain more control over which invoices get published with our latest enhancement. For Supplier Portal Users who need to delay publishing due to incomplete invoice details or pending documentation, this feature provides a tailored solution to fit your specific needs.

Previously, when clicking the Publish All button for draft invoices, you were only presented with the option to publish all drafts (see image below).

Now, after clicking Publish All, you can choose to publish all draft invoices or only those matching your selected filters. This update allows you to streamline your publishing process and ensure that only the relevant invoices are published (see image below).

We encourage you to try out this enhancement and experience the improved control and efficiency it brings to your invoicing workflows.

Questions? Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or email us at [email protected].

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